How To Make Egg and Tofu with Spicy Sauce (Balado Telur Tahu) *Vegetarian Super Fast

How To Make Egg and Tofu with Spicy Sauce (Balado Telur Tahu) *Vegetarian Super Fast - Hallo, selamat datang di blog Resep Praktisku, saya tahu kalian sedang mencari How To Make Egg and Tofu with Spicy Sauce (Balado Telur Tahu) *Vegetarian Super Fast, mungkin ini hari keberuntungan anda, karena di blog saya yang sederhana ini, anda dapat belajar membuat How To Make Egg and Tofu with Spicy Sauce (Balado Telur Tahu) *Vegetarian Super Fast. Semua tentang sudah di persiapkan dengan baik dan yang terpenting sudah terlebih dulu saya coba dirumah. Langsung saja yah, ini resepnya.

The Recipe For Making Egg and Tofu with Spicy Sauce (Balado Telur Tahu) *Vegetarian.

Egg and Tofu with Spicy Sauce (Balado Telur Tahu) *Vegetarian You can make Egg and Tofu with Spicy Sauce (Balado Telur Tahu) *Vegetarian using 12 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Egg and Tofu with Spicy Sauce (Balado Telur Tahu) *Vegetarian

  1. Prepare 5 of eggs.
  2. Insert 10 pcs of fried tofu.
  3. Prepare 1 of red onion.
  4. Prepare 5 of garlic cloves.
  5. Prepare 7 of long red chilies.
  6. Insert 3 of tomatoes.
  7. Add 2 of spring onions.
  8. Fill 1 tsp of salt.
  9. Mix 1/2 tsp of pepper.
  10. Fill 1/2 tsp of sugar.
  11. Fill 2 tbsp of cooking oil.
  12. Mix of Cooking oil to deep fry.

Easy Way To Make Egg and Tofu with Spicy Sauce (Balado Telur Tahu) *Vegetarian

  1. Boil eggs and peel them. Deep fry boiled eggs until turns golden..
  2. Grind red onion, garlics, and long red chilies..
  3. Pre-heat cooking oil in a saute pan, add all ground ingredients, stir until it cooks well, add chopped tomatoes, stir for 5 mins until the tomatoes cook..
  4. Add salt, pepper, and sugar, stir it..
  5. Add eggs and fried tofu, mix properly, cook for 5 mins with medium fire..
  6. Serve it with steamed rice and prawn crackers..

That's how to make Egg and Tofu with Spicy Sauce (Balado Telur Tahu) *Vegetarian Recipe.

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