How To Make Eggs with Ham and Honey Redeyed Gravy Very Simple

How To Make Eggs with Ham and Honey Redeyed Gravy Very Simple - Hallo, selamat datang di blog Resep Praktisku, saya tahu kalian sedang mencari How To Make Eggs with Ham and Honey Redeyed Gravy Very Simple, mungkin ini hari keberuntungan anda, karena di blog saya yang sederhana ini, anda dapat belajar membuat How To Make Eggs with Ham and Honey Redeyed Gravy Very Simple. Semua tentang sudah di persiapkan dengan baik dan yang terpenting sudah terlebih dulu saya coba dirumah. Langsung saja yah, ini resepnya.

The Recipe For Making Eggs with Ham and Honey Redeyed Gravy.

Eggs with Ham and Honey Redeyed Gravy You can make Eggs with Ham and Honey Redeyed Gravy using 6 ingredients in 2 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Eggs with Ham and Honey Redeyed Gravy

  1. Add 4 of large eggs.
  2. Mix To taste of salt.
  3. Mix 1/4 pound of sliced smoked ham.
  4. Insert 1 cup of strong coffee.
  5. Fill 1/4 cup of honey.
  6. Insert 1/3 cup of peanut oil.

Easy Way To Make Eggs with Ham and Honey Redeyed Gravy

  1. Beat the eggs and salt, cook scrambled till done. Slice the ham and fry in hot oil till done. Remove and set aside. Pour off all but 1/4 cup of the liquids. The rendered fat will increase the amount you have..
  2. Add 1 cup of strong coffee, with the honey. Stir often and allow the liquids to reduce. Pour the redeye gravy over the top of the ham. Add the eggs and serve. I hope you enjoy!!!! The redeye gravy is good with grits, polenta, mashed potatoes, homefries, elbow macaroni, and so on..

That's how to make Eggs with Ham and Honey Redeyed Gravy Recipe.

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